Wednesday 23 April 2014

पाप म्हणजे नक्की काय?

तुला ही नव्हतं वाटलं, मला ही नव्हतं वाटत कधी हे असं होईल म्हणून.
मध्यरात्री मुसळधार पाऊस कोसळत असेल माझ्या घरावर,
आणि तुझी साधी आठवण काढणं सुद्धा पाप वाटू लागेल मला.
पण पाप म्हणजे नक्की काय गं ?

आपण डोघांनी मिळून समुद्र किनारी झेललेला तो पाऊस?
मला शोधण्यात, भर दुपारी तू ती केलेली वणवण?
एका संध्याकाळी मला तू ऐकवलेलं ते 'सहेला रे'?
मी भुकेला असताना तू मला करून घातलेला तो वरण भात?
गुल्जारची कविता ऐकताना आपल्या भोवती दाटलेला तो theater चा अंधार?
तुझं लग्नं ठरल्यावर आपण दोघांनी मिळून घेतलेलं आणि तसंच वितळून गेलेलं ते ice-cream?
तुझ्या लग्नाचं present म्हणून मी स्वतः तुला शिवून दिलेली ती गोधडी?
लग्नानंतर पहिल्यांदा घरी आल्या आल्या तू मला केलेला तो phone?
तुझा pregnancy बद्दल एकही शब्द न बोलता सासरच्या bunty कुत्र्याबद्दल बोलण्यात घालवलेले ते ३ तास?
की मला हा जागवणारा तुझा रात्रीचा आवडता पाऊस?
तूच सांग पाप म्हणजे नक्की काय?

पुण्य म्हणजे काय हे ही मला माहित नाही आणि पाप म्हणजे काय हे मी शोधतोय अजून ही.
माझ्या आत पसरलेलं दुःख कुणाला माहित नसलं तरीही, तुझ्या आठवणींनी होणारं सुख तेवढं माहित आहे साऱ्यांना.
ह्या पावसात मी चिंब भिजायला उभा राहिलोय रस्त्यात,
तुला ही नसेल वाटलं कधी, मला ही नव्हतं वाटलं की कधी मध्यरात्री मुसळधार पावसात मी भर रस्त्यात भिजत असेन असा,
आणि तू कुठल्या तरी तळघरात गाढ झोपी गेलेली असशील, जिथे पावसाचा साधा आवाजही पोहोचणार नाही कधीच!

- Poem by 'Saumitra' (सौमित्र)
Kishore Kadam writes using this pen name.

Monday 12 August 2013

Separation – Love and Loss

Tujhe cheen loon ya chhod doon?
Tujhe maang loon ya mod doon?
Iss lamhe kya kar jaaun,
Iss lamhe kya kar doon jo mujhe chain mile aaram mile?
Aur ho aur ho saans ka shor ho aanch ki ore badhe…

Separation – Love and Loss

You’d wonder, what new can I write about a topic done to death?  Love eventually leads to separation and I’m sure all of us have loved and lost your love at least once in your existing lifetime! You disapprove? So love is this stereotypic feeling which is supposed to lead us to ‘happily ever after’. But how many times does this happen willingly. We love someone who we actually want to spend our entire lives with. But after a certain how much love is really left? Isn’t it just kind of getting used to that person. Like you have settled for something and now you have no choice but to live with it. Honestly that is what it is. I am in a relationship from 6 years and know better.
The other day I was watching ‘Rockstar’ and wondering why people did not like the movie! I mean it is a simple story about the journey of ‘Jordan’, a person who screws up by loving someone he knows will never get in life and similar was ‘Kabhie alvida na kehna’. I mean let’s get real! Is it because we think it is morally wrong or is it just that infidelity is ethically a shame across all ‘civilizations’? That is how our minds are trained isn’t it?
Most of these ‘extra marital’ or whatever you want to call them, relationships are ones which never see sunrise. An impossible relationship is one of the many special gifts that we all possess. Maybe the other person is already in a relationship or he/she doesn’t love you or whatever. And this applies to me too. Yes I have loved and obviously lost, twice …or maybe more times.
So how different is it when relationship is not acceptable or ‘unethical’ based on what society says? How far do limitations go and how far should you go? The limits are for you to decide. Because when you love someone there is no logic! Nothing matters not age no amount of time and no barriers. Love ascribes value beyond reason, far beyond the intrinsic worth of its object. We love someone not for what he or she is but for what we are with that person. Love! It’s just this overwhelming feeling that takes control. And this feeling goes way beyond ethics!
People feel how can someone cheat his or her, girlfriend or boyfriend? And doesn’t guilt play an important part? Well it does, guilt goes way deep down. But there is a simple explanation if your love is so perfect, why this uneasiness, why this want of a shoulder of a friend a confidant and a well-wisher. Relationships fail and so do people trying to make them work. The truth is that if you are with a person with whom, you are not who you are then that a thumbs down for you!

We all have relationships good ones, great ones, not so good ones. Frankly speaking many people cheat on those who they love. And surely it’s not intentional. It’s just that in the journey of life you tend to meet people who may understand you better. Change is inevitable. And with this change you’re thinking changes. Not that everyone cheats! Don’t get me wrong but some do and their intention I am sure is definitely not to hurt the existing partner. The whole point is if your existing relationship is not good enough you are the ones prone to cheat… may be your fault or your partners.
Relationships end due to misunderstandings, distance or maybe just because of loss in interest! Some people may argue that cheating is not the solution. Well the good news is staying with a person and pretending is also cheating. I can challenge very easily being in an impossible relationship is more difficult to handle rather than normal ones. It’s like your dooms date is set even before you can enjoy your journey. It is more challenging than normal relationships. Cause there’s this constant sensation and need of that person. You want be there and not be there because you know it is not right. It’s like a voyage with no destination …Love and lost with no destiny.
You know you can’t have him or her forever. Not for the century and that is a harsh reality of life not everyone can face! In the end all you have do is compromise which you would have done anyways with your existing partner. So why not have your share of happiness in these impossible relationships! They end may not be sweet but the journey is beautiful. You just learn to live with memories as you know the relation will never last forever, but memories will. Time spent together is forever and eternity.
What is important is whether a relationship is normal or unethical, love in the end is love. Unaccomplished love is like in limbo. You are vulnerable and in a land which has no horizon .But you land into this situation knowingly…..when you are self-aware so better prepared for the end.
The heart can play many tricks! Some people and some relationships give you a reason to live your entire life. Every person who comes into your life teaches you something to keep something to cherish. That is what is important… when you look back. Let the beauty of what you love be with you!
Out beyond the ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field, I will meet you there - Rumi.

Had read this somewhere sometime back. Not that I agree with the writer on all the points but this is another view to what is defined by the civilization.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Je l’aime à mourir

Found this song in French, with the best words. I've written the meaning in English at the end but it is more of a contextual meaning than literal, word-to-word translation. Hope you find it equally awesome.

Moi je n’étais rien
Mais voilà qu’aujourd’huiJe suis le gardienDu sommeil de ses nuits
Je l’aime à mourir
Vous pouvez détruire
Tout ce qu’il vous plaira
Elle n’aura qu’à ouvrir
L’espace de ses bras
Pour tout reconstruire
Pour tout reconstruire
Je l’aime à mourir
Elle a gommé les chiffres
Des horloges du quartier
Elle a fait de ma vie
Des cocottes en papier
Des éclats de rires
Elle a bâti des ponts
Entre nous et le ciel
Et nous les traversons
A chaque fois qu’elle
Ne veut pas dormir
Ne veut pas dormir
Je l’aime à mourir
Elle a dû faire toutes les guerres
Pour être si forte aujourd’hui
Elle a dû faire toutes les guerres
De la vie, et l’amour aussi
Elle vit de son mieux
Son rêve d’opaline
Elle danse au milieu
des forêts qu’elle dessine
Je l’aime à mourir
Elle porte des rubans
qu’elle laisse s’envoler
Elle me chante souvent
que j’ai tort d’essayer
De les retenir
De les retenir
Je l’aime à mourir
Pour monter dans sa grotte
Cachée sous les toits
Je dois clouer des notes
A mes sabots de bois
Je l’aime à mourir
Je dois juste m’asseoir
Je ne dois pas parler
Je ne dois rien vouloir
Je dois juste essayer
De lui appartenir
De lui appartenir
Je l’aime à mourir

Now here is the English translation:
I used to be nothing
But here I am now
Watching over
The sleep of her nights
I love her so much I could die
You can destroy
Anything you want
She only needs to open
The span of her arms
To rebuild everything
To rebuild everything
I love her so much I could die
She’s erased the numbers
On the clocks around here
She’s made of my life
Paper hens
And roars of laughter
She’s built bridges
Between us and heaven
And we go across them
Each time she
Doesn’t want to sleep
Doesn’t want to sleep
I love her so much I could die
She must’ve fought all the wars
To be so strong today
She must’ve gone through all the wars
Of life, and [through] love too
She does her best to live
Her opaline dream
She dances through
The forests she draws
I love her so much I could die
She wears ribbons
And then lets them go
She sings to me often that
It’s wrong for me to try
To hold them back
To hold them back
I love her so much I could die
To climb into her cave
Hidden in a garret
I must nail notes
To my wooden clogs
I love her so much I could die
I just have to sit down
I must not speak
I must wish for nothing
But simply endeavour
To belong to her
To be hers
I love her so much I could die

Song Title: Je l'aime à mourir.
Written by Francis Cabrel.

Friday 27 July 2012

Be kind, be kind!

When my son puts on his Batman costume, he doesn’t think of himself as a scraped-kneed, blond-headed boy in a polyester cape and cowl. He is Batman. Batman is brave. Batman beats bad guys. Batman doesn’t have to pick up his toys.

I know Batman isn’t real. I know sometimes the credits roll before the bad guys get what’s coming to them.
My favorite moment in all of Christopher Nolan’s “Batman” movies comes from “Batman Begins,” and it reappears in “The Dark Knight Rises.” It’s when a young Officer Gordon — the future Commissioner Gordon — places a coat around Bruce Wayne’s shoulders after the boy’s parents have been killed. It’s a small, gentle action that follows a grand, horrific one. It’s the moment that starts Bruce Wayne on the path to becoming Batman rather than Bane. Both men are born in cruelty, but Bruce receives one small kindness, and that makes all the difference.

The shootings on July 20 made us feel that Bane is real and that Batman remains fiction. After events like this, we either want to become Batman, the symbol of perfect justice, or we want to become Bane, the symbol of all-out vengeance. We cannot be Batman; we must not be Bane. But we can find tiny times when we can extend meaningful kindnesses to one another. We can be — should be — Commissioner Gordon.

An article in the Express titled: Be Kind, Be Kind.
By Kristen Page-Kirby

Monday 16 July 2012

Love is not a feeling!

I have said that love is an action, an activity. This leads to the final major misconception of love which needs to be addressed.
Love is not a feeling. Many, many people possessing a feeling of love and even acting in response to that feeling act in all manner of unloving and destructive ways. On the other hand, a genuinely loving individual will often take loving and constructive action toward a person he or she consciously dislikes, actually feeling no love toward the person at the time and perhaps even finding the person repugnant in some way.

It is from a book of psychology but it is definitely worth a read!

Peck, M. Scott. The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Turn it to stone!

By the River Piedra I sat down and wept. There is a legend that everything that falls into the waters of this river—leaves, insects, the feathers of birds—is transformed into the rocks that make the riverbed. If only I could tear out my heart and hurl it into the current, then my pain and longing would be over, and I could finally forget.

By the River Piedra I sat down and wept. The winter air chills the tears on my cheeks, and my tears fall into the cold waters that course past me. Somewhere, this river joins another, then another, until—far from my heart and sight—all of them merge with the sea.

May my tears run just as far, that my love might never know that one day I cried for him. May my tears run just as far, that I might forget the River Piedra, the monastery, the church in the Pyrenees, the mists, and the paths we walked together.

I shall forget the roads, the mountains, and the fields of my dreams—the dreams that will never come true.

I remember my “magic moment”—that instant when a “yes” or a “no” can change one’s life forever. It seems so long ago now. It is hard to believe that it was only last week that I had found my love once again, and then lost him.

I am writing this story on the bank of the River Piedra. My hands are freezing, my legs are numb, and every minute I want to stop.

“Seek to live. Remembrance is for the old,” he said.

Perhaps love makes us old before our time—or young, if youth

has passed. But how can I not recall those moments? That is why I write—to try to turn sadness into longing, solitude into remembrance. So that when I finish telling myself the story, I can toss it into the Piedra. That’s what the woman who has given me shelter told me to do. Only then—in the words of one of the saints—will the water extinguish what the flames have written.

All love stories are the same.

From the book: By the River Piedra, I sat down and wept.

Coelho, Paulo, (Translated to English by Alan Clarke). By the River Piedra I Sat down and Wept. [San Francisco, CA]: HarperSanFrancisco, 1996.

Thursday 12 July 2012

What is life!

मानवी जीवनात आत्मा हा रथी, शरीर हा रथ, बुद्धी हा सारथी आणि मन हा लगाम आहे. विविध इंद्रिय हे घोडे, उपभोगाचे सर्व विषय हे त्यांचे मार्ग आणि इंद्रिय आणि मन यांनी युक्त असा आत्मा हा त्यांचा भोक्ता आहे.

रथच नसला तर धनुर्धर बसणार कुठे? तो त्वरेने रणांगणावर जाणार कसा? शत्रूशी लढणार कसा? म्हणून व्याक्यीने शरीर रुपी रथाची किंमत कधीच कमी लेखता कामा नये.

इंद्रिय हे या शरीर-रथाचे घोडे होत. कारण त्यांच्यावाचून तो क्षणभरसुद्धा चालू शकणार नाही. रथाला नुसते घोडे जुंपले तर ते सैरावैरा उधळून, रथ केव्हा, कुठल्या दरीत जाऊन पडेल आणि त्याचा चक्काचूर होईल याचा नेम नाही; म्हणू इंद्रिय रुपी घोड्यांना मनाच्या लगामाचे बंधन सतत हवं; पण हा लगामदेखील सदैव हातात असायला हवा! नाही तर तो असून नसल्यासारखाच! म्हणून बुद्धीचं नियंत्रण हवं. बुद्धी आणि मन हि दोन्ही मिळून संयमाने हा रथ चालवू शकतात!!!

(I'm making an effort to try and translate it to English, please bear with it)

In human life,
Soul is the Occupant of a Chariot,
Body is the Chariot,
Intellect is the Charioteer and
Mind is the Bridle.
Different senses are the Horses,
All matters to be experiences in life are the Paths,
and the Soul equipped with mind and senses is the One who uses it all.

If there is no Chariot, where will the Archer sit? How will he rush to the war field? How would he fight the enemy? So one should never under-value (consider of inferior value?) the Body formed Chariot.

Senses are the Horses. Because without them he can never move,If just the horses are tied to the chariot, they'd run wildly and no one would know when the they'd fall in some deep valley and get extirpated; hence these horses (Senses) need to be bounded and controlled by the Bridle (Mind); but this bridle too needs to be in your hands ALWAYS! Else its existence will be pointless!

So Control of the Intellect, Mind and Intellect can together ride this Chariot patiently!!!

The idea comes from Bhagwad Gita and these words are from the Marathi book: Yayati, by V.S Khandekar.

Khāṇḍekara, Vi Sa., (English Translation by Y. P. Kulkarni). Yayati: A Classic Tale of Lust. New Delhi: Orient Paperbacks, 1978.